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Neuromodulator injections are a safe cosmetic procedure that takes approximately 20-30 minutes in office. You will gradually see wrinkle relaxation over 3-14 days, with an average duration of 3-4 months. Treatment is at peak efficacy around 14 days and slowly decreases over an average of 3-4 months. This is the time we recommend returning for your next injections.

Bruising varies, and minimal bruising typically resolves within 2-3 days. It is normal to find small raised circles in the injected areas, this generally resolves within 15-30 minutes. Some patients experience headaches after their treatment. You may use Tylenol to relieve headaches if needed as directed.

Following your injections:

  • No laying down for 4 hours.
  • Do not rub or massage the treated area.
  • Avoid exercise or heavy lifting on the day of treatment.
  • Avoid any activity that increases heart rate on the day of treatment.
  • No saunas.
  • Do not get a facial, laser, or microdermabrasion immediately before or after your neuromodulator treatment.
  • Avoid the sun, and wear broad-spectrum SPF daily.
  • Avoid headbands or hats if the band goes around your forehead and if you received treatment in the forehead area.
  • Masseter injections: no chewing gum on the day of treatment.

If you have any questions or problems not listed here, please contact Forever Young Medical Aesthetics.


Dermal fillers are a gel-like product typically made of hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxylapatite. Dermal fillers are used to restore volume loss and decrease signs of aging in areas such as the cheeks, lips, chin, nasolabial folds (smile lines), and jawline.

After a treatment, lumps, and bumps are normal, and should gradually resolve as the gel integrates with the tissue. Do not massage unless directed by your provider. Please contact us if lumps and bumps do not resolve within 14 days. Bruising may occur, follow the recommendations below regarding bruising.

Avoid scheduling dermal filler injections close to special events, as there may be swelling or bruising following your treatment.

Following your injections:

  • Use cool compresses for 20 minutes at a time for about 4-6 hours post injections to reduce redness and swelling.
  • You may take arnica tablets or apply arnica gel to reduce bruising.
  • Avoid wearing makeup on the day of treatment.
  • Do not have a facial massage or any facial manipulation for two weeks after injections.
  • Avoid exposing the treated area to the sun, saunas, or tanning beds.
  • Avoid any laser treatments to the treated areas for 4 weeks.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, St. John’s Wort, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) medications for up to one week.
  • Avoid alcohol for six hours after your treatment.
  • Do not exercise on the day of treatment.

Please contact your team at Forever Young if you experience any of the following:

  • Skin changes such as dusky discoloration
  • Pain
  • Loss of sensation
  • Cold-sore outbreak
  • Swelling that lasts more than 2-3 days
  • Fever
  • Bruising

If you have any questions or problems not listed here, please contact Forever Young Medical Aesthetics.


Collagen induction therapy is a safe cosmetic treatment that introduces very small needles into the skin at varying depths. This treatment causes micro-injuries to the skin, triggering a healing response thereby stimulating collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are integral to skin health and youthful skin appearance.

Collagen induction therapy can help with wrinkles, scarring, pore size, and may tighten skin. Results will be seen in 4-6 weeks post-treatment as collagen production is stimulated.

Following your treatment:

  • Wait 4 hours to wash your face.
  • Use a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water to clean your face for the first 48 hours.
  • Use a delicate moisturizer.
  • Gently dry your treated skin – do not rub, pick or scrub at your skin.
  • Do not apply makeup for up to 24 hours after the procedure.
  • Avoid scented products, and products that contain glycolic acid or AHAs.
  • Use a broad-spectrum SPF every day.
  • Avoid direct sunlight exposure for 1-2 weeks.
  • Avoid tanning beds.
  • Avoid swimming for at least 3 days while your skin heals.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for the first 3 hours.
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Advil, or Motrin for one week.
  • You can use Tylenol as needed and directed.

If you have any questions or problems not listed here, please contact Forever Young Medical Aesthetics.

Our Venus Versa device multi-application device is FDA-approved for aesthetic and cosmetic procedures. This device targets common signs of premature aging as well as:

  • Hair removal/reduction
  • Intense pulsed light,otherwise known as IPL photofacial, targets pigmented and vascular lesions
  • Radiofrequency (RF) Skin resurfacing
  • Skin tightening, otherwise known as PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields)
  • Acne vulgaris treatments

During and after your medical laser treatments:

  • Avoid sun exposure to the treatment area before and during treatment.
  • Wear a broad spectrum SPF daily.
  • Avoid harsh exfoliants and scented products over the treatment area for a minimum of 24 hours. Ask about reinitiating your skin care regimen based on the specific treatment you received.
  • Avoid picking at any coffee ground appearing spots following an IPL treatment.
  • Allow any scab formation to heal on its own without picking.
  • Inform your team if you are prone to cold sores prior to treatment, or if you develop one after treatment.
  • For hair removal treatments, avoid epilation or plucking of hair during the length of the treatment. Do shave prior to your treatment.
  • Let us know if you have swelling or redness that lasts more than 24 hours.

If you have any questions or problems not listed here, please contact Forever Young Medical Aesthetics.


Chemical Peels are used to improve signs of aging from sun damage, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, acne, and acne scarring. Chemical peels are used to remove the epidermal layer of your skin to regenerate new cell growth. You will notice peeling after your treatment, which can last 3-7 days.

VI PEEL is a medium-depth peel that works to suppress melanogenesis—the production of melanin—while promoting rapid cell turnover for a more even and bright skin tone. Resurfacing action reveals brighter, renewed skin for results in 7 days.

You will be given a protocol to follow for the next several days, along with products including SPF, towelettes, and hydrocortisone cream. Please follow these instructions closely. You may also scan the barcode on your instructions to transfer them to an easy-to-follow instruction set on your mobile phone.

  • Use gentle cold compresses to the treated area as needed for irritation or burning associated with a chemical peel. Use only the products provided on the day of your treatment for the specified amount of time on the instructions.
  • Avoid excessive heat on the treated area.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure.
  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily.
  • Do pick, tweeze, rub, exfoliate, wax, or have a facial for 3-4 weeks after a chemical peel.
  • Do not peel or scratch at peeling skin, allowing peeling skin to fall naturally. You may use scissors to cut any peeling skin that is hanging.
  • Do not use an acidic product like retinoids or tretinoins, acne medications, or vitamin C products for up to two weeks after a chemical peel.
  • Moisturize often to avoid letting the skin dry out.
  • Avoid using makeup until the skin is healed.

If you have any questions or problems not listed here, please contact Forever Young Medical Aesthetics.


let us enhance the beauty that is naturally yours.

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